

The full range of those enrolled in Mason programs through any of our campuses, including undergraduate and graduate, full and part time, resident and commuter.


The Strategic Goal: strengthen students’ connection to Mason, helping them see themselves as lifelong members of the Mason Nation.


Our Communications Goals

  • Help students become aware of and take advantage of all that Mason offers.
  • Fuel pride and loyalty by building understanding of our distinctive strengths.
  • Encourage active involvement in university life.
  • Keep students informed of services and opportunities available to them.


All Mason’s Key Messages apply to this audience. In particular, we should stress strengths: Academic Quality and the Mason Nation. In addition, we need to expand students’ awareness of the forms of support and the learning opportunities open to them—from counseling to undergraduate research, encouraging them to make the most of their Mason experience.


It may seem that students who have already enrolled know Mason and why it’s a great school. However, we have an opportunity to broaden and deepen their understanding. By sharing evidence of academic quality, we can make students proud of the choice they’ve made in enrolling. By telling stories of innovation and entrepreneurship, we can help them see the chance to be innovative and entrepreneurial themselves. By talking up the strength of the Mason Nation, we can spark new flames of school spirit.